
What Our Clients Have to Say

“Dear James, Jim and Josephine,
Thank you for all you are doing for Melissa. We are pleased her quality of life with you is much better at McPeak.”

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Very Sincerely,
Linda and Sandy

“I got to visit Matt today. Was a nice visit, we listened to music.

While I am grateful every day, Thanksgiving is a day when we should really think about what we are grateful for and I’d like you both to know that I am grateful that your family started this home, that Matt is allowed to live there. Every time I get to visit him, I see how well he is taken care of.

Happy Thanksgiving and thank you so very much.”


“Hi Jennifer,

It was wonderful news to read of your NYS 2020 ALL STAR Award! Congratulations! The Palazzo Family wants you to know how much we appreciated all your support during the years my mom Lucille was a resident at McPeak’s. It was directly through your assistance that we were able to provide mom a family environment, comfort and great memories during that time. Mom has since passed on just a year ago due to Dementia / Alzheimer’s, which really is a horrible disease. So when I recently read of your Award, I wanted to let you know personally that our family looks back fondly of the time when our mom Lucille was under McPeak’s care. Your dedicated effort in helping our whole family will always evoke great memories due to your professionalism, good nature and kind heart.


-Joe Palazzo and Family

“There are times that words fall so short and this is one of those times. I was unable to think of words to properly express the appreciation we have for the care you provided our mother. End of life is an unusually stressful period especially in such unique times, it gave us great relief that she was with her McPeak’s family and not alone in a hospital especially given the fact that we could not be by her side. The only thing that rivals our respect and appreciation for all you do for so many is the personal gratitude that we would like to express!”

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-Robert S. Budd & Family

“Dear James, I cannot thank you enough for the assistance you have given to Ronald and I and our friends during this difficult time.

P.S. Jennifer is the Best!”

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-Priscilla Hoffman

“Dear Mr. McPeak, You went to see my Mom at South Oaks Hospital in 2013: saw the challenge and still took Mom into your home! How blessed we were that there was and is, a James McPeak.

Your personnel is an extension of your high standards of dedication, compassion and professionalism as none of you gave up on Mom and just kept treating her with respect and dignity. She is now one ‘happy camper’and at home, in your home! I would be too – puppy visit days, watching the oldies of Dean Martin and I Love Lucy, bingo and all the other activities and festivities you spend money for and always have going on to make them happy.

You have a God-given gift thatyou were able to recognize and are using to make a difference in this world. Thank you for what you created and continue to carry on. Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy 2016.”

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-Linda Martucci

“Jennifer, I forgot to mention that my mother told me (again) how happy she is at McPeak’s. I knew it would take her some time to feel comfortable. It’s not an easy task, but I can hear the happiness in her voice. Please thank the staff for me. I am very grateful to everyone. :)”

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“Dear Mr. McPeak, Barbara and I want to thank everyone for the outstanding care given to my mom Marie while in residence at what she called “the club”. After her first stay in the winter of 2014/15 she often spoke fondly of that time, so we felt confident when she moved there last July that she would do very well. She enjoyed all the varied activities, good meals and all her new friends.

We were so looking forward to her upcoming 100th birthday party, but alas, that wasn’t to be. The hospice care she received in familiar surroundings was a comfort to her and to us in the last days. Thank you all again and God bless you.”

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-Justin and Barbara McGeary

“Dear Mr. McPeak, Words cannot express how grateful my family and I are for the wonderful care you and your staff have provided for my mother over the past few years.

I once told you that I hoped she could live out her days with you, and happily she did.”

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-Joan Siedlecke

“Dear Jennifer, The family of George and Ruth Thogersen would like at this time to express our sincere gratitude to the care of our parents while they were residents at McPeak’s Adult Home.

We appreciate the patience that you, Jim McPeak, and your staff offered both our family and our parents when both moved in the first time back in 2008. Initially, it was our Mom who was at the point that she needed assistance in most day to day activities – Dad at that point could have taken care of himself for the most part. Thank you for providing him free access to and from the building, and allowing him to squirrel away his little Merlot bottles and cookie treats for Mom.”

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-George Jr., Pat, Ellen, Judy, and Jim Thogersen

“Dear Mr. McPeak, I want to thank you for making a difficult day run smoothly for my uncle’s transition into your home. I could see that your staff made him feel comfortable and have his best interests at heart. Your director, Jennifer Turner, was extremely professional and friendly and also made us feel at ease.

I know he is going to be happy living in your home and I am very thankful there are people like you in this world making it a better place for our elderly relatives to live a more productive life.”

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-Jennifer D’Amico

“Jim, Thank you for all the care that you gave my mother while she lived at McPeaks. Your home was her home. She always loved it when you spoke to her. It made her feel important.Your staff is exceptional. Everyone has so much compassion and love for all residents. The staffs families became her extended family. As my mother was declining everyone showed how much they loved her. Also, thank you for the flowers that you sent to the funeral home. I appreciate all that you did for my mother, Hazel, and for our family.”

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“James, I wanted to thank you and the staff – Jennifer, Soraya, Myrna and all the girls for taking such good care of our mom. I wanted to stop in after I emptied her room but my emotions got the best of me when I closed the trunk on my car with all of her belongings inside. Thank you.”

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-Luke Lori, and family

“Dear Linda, My name is Danielle Cohen and my mom is a resident at McPeak’s: Mary Huben. On a recent visit, I picked up a copy of the April newsletter and was delighted to read that my mom was mentioned because of her participating in musical activities. I cannot tell you how much that meant to me and my family.

I just wanted to send you a note to say “thanks,” but that doesn’t even feel like enough! Please know how important the work you are doing is to us, the families, as well as the patients. It is of great comfort to know mom is in such good hands. As you know, she loves music, and always has. God bless you and your loved ones. You have a special place in my heart!”

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“Tess and my family would like to thank the entire staff at McPeak’s for all they do to make Tess as comfortable as possible. Hope is a gift all people can share. We all wish you a very Merry Christmas.”

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-Phyllis, Tess and Family

“To the wonderful staff at McPeak’s, Yet another year has come and gone and the care and compassion has been the same. You guys are amazing at what you do and we are so thankful for all you do for our mother. It is a great peace of mind to know you are there. May you all have a joyous and healthy season.”

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-Denis, Noreen & Brian

“Merry Christmas with all my thanks for your extraordinary care of Don during his time at your residence. You are all special people. Happy New Year to all.”

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-Eileen F.

“Dear Mr. McPeak and the entire staff: Just want to say thank you for running such a sensitive and professional establishment. My mom’s 93rd birthday was today and Merna and her “girls” were wonderful. They made us feel so welcome, helped us get Mom outside for a family lunch and then back inside for a birthday song and cake. We all went home so happy that our great-grandma, grandma and mom is being so well taken care of! Thanks again.”

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-Lynn S.

“Thank you all from the bottom of our hearts for the compassionate and fine care you gave to our loved and greatly missed husband and father. God bless all of you special people.”

-From the Family of Don Farley

“Hey Jennifer – I would like to thank you and your staff for allowing Alex to feel comfortable in his new home. Alex tells me his meals are good-plentiful and most importantly HOT! It takes a lot of stress off me with Alex happy. Your staff has him drawing daily. He is loving it! GREAT JOB!”

-Gary S.

“Thank you for the excellent care you gave to my mother Mildred during her stay at McPeak’s. Your staff was always so pleasant and accommodating. We were always comforted by the fact that mom was safe and well cared for.”

-William C.

“Thank you for the care and attention your staff gave to my father over the years. We were very satisfied with the services and activities you provided during his stay at McPeak’s. I don’t know how you did it but, Dad was very happy at your home. You made a difference for us too.”

-Linda and Robert T.

“I’m glad I’m not in all that snow right now. It’s very cool here (by Fla. standards – in the 40’s). Thank you for your attention to this matter and for all the kindness you showed my sister Doris, while she was at your facility.”

-Virginia A.S.

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