Regular stretching offers numerous physical and mental health benefits for seniors. These exercises enhance flexibility, blood flow, posture, and balance, reducing the risk of falls. Some studies have shown that stretching can increase serotonin levels, reduce stress, and generally feel better.
Some of the best stretching exercises for seniors focus on hip flexors and extension movements that improve flexibility and range of motion in the hips and upper back region while countering the effects of prolonged sitting.
When stretching, try to hold your stretch for 30 seconds to give your muscles time to relax. Other great stretches for seniors include:
- Neck: bring your chin toward your chest and turn your head side to side.
- Shoulder and upper arm: hold a towel in one hand over your head, letting it drape down behind your back.
- Chest: extend both arms to the side with palms facing outward and reach back with your hands. Use a wall if you have a hard time holding your arms up.
- Lower back: Lay on your back with knees bent, feet together and feet flat on the floor. Lower legs to one side, twist your torso until you feel a stretch.
These additional safety tips from The National Institute on Aging can assist you in your stretching exercises.
- Stretch when your muscles are warmed up.
- Stretch after endurance or strength exercises.
- Don’t stretch so far that it hurts.
- Always remember to breathe normally while holding a stretch.
- Consult your doctor if you are unsure about a particular exercise.
Remember, at McPeak’s we value our seniors’ health and wellness above all, so don’t be afraid to ask our well trained staff members for assistance. Happy stretching!