Using Technology to Stay in Touch with Your Senior Loved Ones

In response to the coronavirus pandemic, New York State executive orders currently require people to stay at least six feet away from each other and wear protective face masks when going out and when social distancing cannot be maintained. Unfortunately, there is no visiting at this time since the elderly are the most susceptible to the coronavirus.

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Coronavirus Cases in NY Expected to Peak Within Next Week

According to official estimates, the number of new coronavirus infections in New York are expected to peak at some point within the next week. While this doesn’t signal the end of the coronavirus infections, it does mean that New York may be able to begin relaxing some of the coronavirus-related restrictions over the next few weeks. This would allow life in New York to return to relative normalcy after the strife caused by the coronavirus pandemic. Continue reading “Coronavirus Cases in NY Expected to Peak Within Next Week”

Low-Carb Diet May Help Fight Alzheimer’s Disease

In a study recently published in the Journal of Neuroscience, it was demonstrated that a diet rich in ketones, such as that produced by a low-carb diet, can help fight Alzheimer’s disease. The study, conducted on mice in a laboratory setting, showed that feeding them ketones helped reduce the impact of an Alzheimer’s-like condition. For some, this may provide an avenue for fighting the effects of Alzheimer’s disease aside from simply taking medication. Continue reading “Low-Carb Diet May Help Fight Alzheimer’s Disease”

Why You Should Consider Assisted Living

There comes a time in many people’s lives where you need to consider how to care for family members who can no longer fully care for themselves. When making such an important decision, it’s essential to take into consideration all of your options and make a choice that works best for you and your family. Here’s a few reasons why you should consider assisted living as an option for your loved one. Continue reading “Why You Should Consider Assisted Living”

How Do You Choose Between Home Healthcare and an Assisted Living Facility?

Realizing you need help taking care of your loved one is both normal and healthy. It also means there are some big decisions that need to be made. Is it possible for your loved one to stay home, or would it be better for your loved one to move into an assisted living facility? This is a tough decision to make, and requires a lot of research, but if you have recognized the problem, then you have already taken the first step. Continue reading “How Do You Choose Between Home Healthcare and an Assisted Living Facility?”

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